Exhibition view of “Machines à penser” 2018, Fondazione Prada, Venice, Photographer: Mattia Balsamini, Courtesy Fondazione Prada
Machines à penser
Curated by Dieter Roelstraete
Fondazione Prada,
Ca’ Corner della Regina,
Venice, Italy
Preliminary model of the
Wittgenstein Monument,
Part of the Wittgenstein on
Vacation series, (2015 – 2018)
with Marianne Bredesen
and Siri Hjorth
Supported by KORO (URO)
OCA and Fritt Ord
The exhibition included works by:
Gerhard Richter, Goshka Macuga,
Anselm Kiefer, Leonor Antunes,
Paolo Chiasera, Alec Finlay,
Ian Hamilton Finlay,
Alexander Kluge, Patrick Lakey,
Mark Manders, Jeremy Millar,
Sophie Nys, Mark Riley,
Ewan Telford, Guy Moreton
and Susan Philipsz.
Exhibition view of “Machines à penser” 2018, Fondazione Prada, Venice, Photographer: Mattia Balsamini, Courtesy Fondazione Prada
Preliminary model of the Wittgenstein Monument, 2018, Photographer: Thomas Tveter
Preliminary Model of the Wittgenstein Monument (2018) with Marianne Bredesen and Siri Hjorth, Vernissage TV
“Machines à penser” 2018, Fondazione Prada, Venice, Vernissage TV